- The applicants who have completed their registration and payment by February 2nd, 2025
(Sunday), 12:00 Midnight, are eligible for the mock test.
- The mock test will be held on February 6th, 2025 (Thursday)
- The login credentials for taking the Mock Test shall be
Login on the portal https://mock.set-test.org/learn/account/signin
- A. Username: Combination of SITEEE and SITEEE ID
For example if your SITEEE ID is 123456, your username will be SITEEE123456
- B. Password: SITEEE2025
- Select the SITEEE Mock Test and click on Take Test button
- SITEEE Mock Test is an MCQ test. Each question has four responses. The candidate should
choose an appropriate response.
- This test consists of 3 Sections (Physics- 15, Chemistry- 15 and Mathematics- 30)
- Test duration: 60 minutes, i.e. 1 hour.
- Each question carries 1 mark.
- There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
- The marks achieved on the Mock Test are for the Candidate's reference only and will have
no impact on their final SITEEE 2025 score or their further selection process.
Please read and understand the Test instructions to navigate through the Test
- Once you click on the 'Start Test' button, the actual test time will begin.
- Only one question will be displayed on the computer screen at a time. To
move to the next/ previous question,
click on the "Next"/"Previous" button.
- Enter the question number in the "GO TO" box and click on "GO" to go to the
specific question.
- In case you are not sure of the Answer option of the question that you have
attempted you can choose to Bookmark
the question as a reminder to yourself to review the question before
submitting the Test.
- On the left-hand side, you will see the summary of the number of questions
that you have attempted, Not
attempted, Attempted and bookmarked, Not Attempted and bookmarked.
- You can jump from one section to another section during the test.
- The answers can be changed at any time during the test.
- Make sure to click the "Submit" button after completing your test. Once you do, you'll be redirected to the results page, where an overall summary of your performance will be displayed.